Children will be enticed to rocket down the 8-feet Spiral Sectional Free Standing Slide for as long as they can. The slide sports a turn that rotates over 360 degrees for a thrilling ride. Getting up to the slide involves quite a few stairs, but with the PVC protective coating that increases traction for scrambling feet, kids from kindergarten on up will climb with confidence. The parallel handrails add additional comfort for those that need reassurance. At the top of the stairs, the deck extends out providing a long platform for children to get lined up for their impending slide down. The spiral itself is a traditional open top slide rather than a tube slide, allowing for tighter turns than a tube slide. Perhaps the best part of this free standing element is the ability to color each portion in any of our custom colors, making a stripe, a rainbow or a spattering of contrasting colors all possible. Children will be sure to ride again and again, not wanting to miss any of the fun!