The Adventures in Growing Delta playground structure is an attractively patterned and modestly sized activity center designed for small children aged 6 to 23 months. It features a small size that’s ideal for children just starting to explore such rides on their own. The structure has a viewable central room near the slide that enables teachers or parents to interact directly with children at the top of the slide in order to offer encouragement. Kids can get to this area by one of three different paths. One is an arched climber that is printed with a series of letters they can read along the way. Or children can opt to ascend along a ramp that is affixed with a large number of touchable sensory panels. Finally, there is a stairwell with drawings on its steps. Youngsters who’d rather not engage in the physical play of the slide can instead continue to explore tactile sensations at other textured panels around the foundation, experiment with a noise making sound cylinder, or push shapes along a bead panel.