Children love learning to ride their bicycles, but often forget about the safety that comes with it. Getting a child to wear a helmet is often a chore in itself, but it is definitely important. Then, if they are old enough to ride around the neighborhood or to the park alone, there is always a concern that they will take it off. Most styles are bulky, hot, and uncomfortable, but the Child-Size Trike Helmet is different. This model is recommended for children 3 to 7-years-old and for a head size of 20-21.5 inches. This helmet fits great, offers maximum protection, and is vented so their head is not overheated. The more comfortable a helmet is, the less they will dwell on the fact that they are wearing one. This helmet is Snell B95A and CPSC Certified and it meets or exceeds ANSI Z90.4. The Child-Size Trike Helmet will not cut their playtime short!