A child may be ready to start pedaling but that does not mean that they have graduated to a taller seat. While they are developing balance and coordination, it is important that their feet can always touch the ground for safety reasons. An appropriate seat height is what this ClassicRider Pedal Pusher Toddler Trike has to offer. It is recognized for a child 18 to 24 months old, with a nonslip supportive seat, heavy duty rubber handgrips, spokeless wheels and pedals that hide hardware, so safety precautions have been strongly considered in its creation. Kids love the vibrant red shade and you will appreciate that under that flashy paint job is a durable, welded, powder-coated frame that will not rust. Self-lubricating nylon bearings are the icing on the cake. The ClassicRider 8-inch Pedal Pusher Toddler Trike ships fully assembled and come with lifetime service, a 5-year guarantee and replacement parts are available.