Toddlers seem to want a trike a soon as they are old enough to walk. Of course, pedals are not quite appropriate, but it is important that they develop balance so they are prepared. The ClassicRider 8-inch Pusher Toddler Trike is low enough so they can operate it with their feet on the ground or you can offer a little push when they are ready! The nonslip seat has a comfortable back support and the handgrips are made of heavy duty rubber, so they are easy to hold onto. Spokeless wheels and a recessed no pinch hub design increases safety while a one-piece welded and powder-coated frame ensures durability. Even the nylon bearings are self-lubricating. This trike is recommended for children 18 to 24-months old and comes fully assembled with a 5-year guarantee and lifetime service. The ClassicRider 8-inch Pusher Toddler Trike is a great stepping stone to a regular tricycle.