Parents no longer have to cringe when their child wants to use a bike. The MyRider Balance Bike is designed specifically to promote balance and coordination. In fact, it does not have pedals or training wheels; it is built like a tricycle, only much more innovative.
Kids ages 3 and up love the bright yellow shade of this balance bike, and you will appreciate that beneath that color is a powder-coated frame that resists scratches and rust. The welded steel frame is extremely durable, with nylon bearings that are self-lubricating and long-lasting, and the tires are solid rubber that can’t go flat, meaning that the balance bike will stand up to heavy use with little to no maintenance.
This balance bike is also comfortable and safe to use. The handlebars are easy to hold onto, as they have been given heavy-duty rubber hand grips. The seat is designed to keep children securely and comfortably seated with their weight evenly distributed. And you don’t have to worry about shoelaces or fingers getting stuck in the spokes of the wheels: The no-pinch hub design has no spokes.
The MyRider Balance Bike arrives fully assembled and comes with a five-year warranty. Order yours today!