When pushing a child on a tricycle, sometimes safety becomes an issue. Some people will push the child gently on the back rather than the actual trike, which is never recommended for safety reasons. Not to mention, it is not comfortable. Fortunately, there is a solution. The MyRider Mini Pusher Trike features an innovative Vario Seat that is a little longer than the average seat, and it curves upward in the back. So, there is something to hold onto while you push them gently. It features a one-piece welded crank, no-pinch hub design, heavy duty rubber handgrips and spokeless solid rubber tires, so the potential for injury has been nearly eliminated! The welded and powder-coated steel is complemented by self-lubricating nylon bearings, and a 5-year warranty is included. The MyRider Mini Pusher Trike is a great classroom or playground accessory for children to enjoy during play time, learning how to ride!