Kids will find more than the usual on the Double Trouble Play System. The structure is modestly sized to fit in an average lot space but it still provides plenty of fun for all. The ground level features a Store Panel that entices children to imagine a store, a ticket booth, a house, a concession stand or any other place that could work out of a window. The Ship’s Wheel next door, lets kids steer their storytelling towards another great adventure. Finally, the Drum Panel, cleverly adorned with different musical note values, encourages them to use their most primal of skills to create music. To scale the system, children can use the Transfer Station, the Pod Climber or attempt to transverse the Twisted Arch Ladder. Once landing on the perforated steel PVC coated deck, explorers will notice that the main portion of the system is designed in a spiral tower design climbing to the Left and Right Turn Slides situated at the 6-foot uppermost deck. Before sliding down, children can take a moment to play at the brightly colored Gear Panel or simply look out of their rocket ship’s window via the Bubble Panel. The system comes in any of our custom colors giving you the ability to pick any combination of our powder coat paint and rotationally molded plastic colors. Children will enjoy getting into the Double Trouble Play System.