What is the weight limit for this set? My whole family would like to use it, heaviest being about 200 lbs.
Question by: Jess on Nov 16, 2021, 10:13 AM
Hi Jess. Due to the amount of components that go into making a swing set, there is no specific weight limit. These are commercial grade and built to withstand years of heavy use. This is the same type of swing found in public parks, churches, HOA's, and schools.
What is the weight limit per swing? I am looking for swings for middle and high school aged students.
Question by: Deanna Finney on Aug 31, 2021, 12:58 PM
Swings are made for children ages 2 - 12. However, if you are looking for a swing that will accommodate the weight of an adult, this swing is fine choice. This swing is tested up to 750 pounds. Please note, a swing consists of many components, changing any one of these can affect the weight a swing can hold.
Can the adult wheel chair swing be hung from the arch support post frame?
Question by: Rich Washington on Jan 18, 2022, 2:55 PM
Hello Rich,
When it comes to the Elite Series 3.5 inch Arch Post Swing 8 foot, you can install the adult wheel chair swing onto this post. However it is strongly advised that this be the only swing installed within the one bay as a safety precaution.
Question by: Tamara Campano on Aug 18, 2022, 6:45 AM
You need to have a copy of the installation instructions, along with the general installation guide. The depth of the posts is dependent upon the thickness and depth of your surfacing. At minimum, the depth of the foot must be 24".