This Freestanding Curved Post Overhead Inverted Horizon Rope Climber from Playground Equipment Dot-com would make a great addition to any park, plaza, or daycare facility. Built of resilient galvanized steel, the framework of the recreation unit supports a vertical grid of nylon encased steel cabling. The nylon covering offers a comfortable surface to grip and the tough steel cabling beneath is tamper-resistant, which means would-be vandals won’t have an easy time damaging the net. Youth will employ all their major muscle groups as they scale the surface of the rigging. Climbing is a key way to help kids develop their gross motor skills: the larger body movements needing physical strength to stay coordinated and dexterous. The topmost parts of the net are high enough to present a challenge while remaining manageable for children wishing to set achievable goals and experience a sense of accomplishment. The framework is finished with a durable layer of powder-coated paint that will keep your Freestanding Curved Post Overhead Inverted Horizon Rope Climber looking lustrous and bright for years. If you’d like to modify the color from what’s shown here, please speak with someone from our sales team to learn more.