The Freestanding Oval Balance Track is a truly unique element, perfect for inclusivity on the playground. Its open design makes it easy for kids to be active and step from the platforms onto the pebble steps, which are conveniently located between five of the six platforms. Additionally, the Freestanding Oval Balance Track is distinct from other standard balance-oriented playground equipment due to its galvanized steel guardrails, which help users maintain their composure as they navigate the path. The curves and waves in the perforated steel decks add a mild challenge to further advance the mobility of children on the track. The decks are also low to the ground, reducing the risk of a child being overwhelmed or intimidated by the installment. The pebbles also add some variety to the Freestanding Balance Track and allow kids to take a small leap from platform to platform. Add the Freestanding Balance to your playground to facilitate a unique walking experience for all playground users ages 2-12.