Watch the world revolve around you with the Free Play Hold-N-Spin Overhead Spinner. With this playground accessory children can grip to the elevated umbrella shaped bars and use their body weight, in conjunction with gravity to spin around in circles around the pole. This structure can comfortably fit up to five children. So the more the merrier as they can work together to make the circular set of bars twirl. This accessory is coated in powder coat paint to increase its durablity and hardiness. Choose any set of our custom powder coat colors to bring your playground to life as children happily spin around. The 4-1/2-inch in-ground mounted post will handle years of children swinging from its bars. This item is ideal for children between the ages of five and twelve allowing them an opportunity to build up a variety of muscles as they attempt to power it by themselves or with friends. With that in mind, with proper use this Free Play Hold-N-Spin Overhead Spinner will last for years in your playground.