The Lilypad Cymbals are Harmony Park’s unique take on the classic percussion instrument. Instead of the crashing sound usually associated with brass cymbals, these anodized aluminum disks produce pure ringing notes which resonate through the air for a few moments before dissipating. Each of its three corners has a mallet connected to it by a coated steel cable, allowing up to three young musicians to play it at once. The wide shape of the disks makes them easy to hit without getting in the way of other bandmates sharing them. This, in addition to the overlapping placement of the disks, encourages playing multiple notes at once; which is why the long-lasting notes are carefully selected to harmonize well with each other. Kids will enjoy finding all the chords they can create by combining different notes together. They are mounted on a single post made from high quality recycled plastic, which can be adjusted to place the cymbals at the perfect height upon installation for anyone intended to play them.