Toddler Tower is a compact play system designed to be the ideal play area for youngsters who are on their way to enrolling in preschool or younger. Despite its name, the highest platform of the tower is only thirty inches above the ground; the maximum height for children of this age group. This platform has a small but charming Straight Slide which is the perfect height for young children. The platforms have small steps between them to make it easy for children with any level of motor development to get around the structure, and all areas are wide enough that parents or supervisors can reach them if needed. There is a built-in Tic Tac Toe panel, so that they can play games or simply have fun spinning the cylinders around. There is also a Gear Panel with colorful rotating shapes. The rest of the barriers (the Lookout Deck, Bubble Window Panel, and Safety Panel) all have see-through areas which allow kids to look around at their surroundings, and make it easier for parents to keep track of them.